Friday, May 15, 2015

Whole30 Day 40 - Habits

9:25 AM Good Morning.  Alright.  I have had my fill of late mornings.  I am going to show myself some grace by saying - This was my first week out of classes - I was out of my routine and also just enjoying the freedom!  But if this continues the consequences will not be pleasant.  I have been staying up later and getting up later.  Neither one of these things are benefiting.  This morning I was wakened by the sound of a kitten very close to my window just after 6:00.  Low and behold, the momma cat had her up on the window seal.  This is the first we have seen of this kitten.  So, the excitement over this kitten and concern over why the momma brought her two us consummed our morning.  Is this a bad thing, no really, we are all animal lovers in our house.  However, it threw out morning completely off track!  I struggled with - do I make breakfast or go through a drive through - again.  I am happy to say I quickly warmed up some leftover pork steak,  added some mayo (I am finding out this mayo is awesome with almost anything) and grabbed a bag of precut carrots.  I ate in the car :-(  I do want to brag on myself a bit...the book mentioned waiting until after breakfast to have your coffee.  I have been successfully doing that for over a week!

So let me say this about habits!  In my opinion, for a life style change to really occur, you must change your habits.  New habits must not only be formed but embedded into our daily routine.  This was one reason I decided to go beyond the 30 days.  I didn't feel my new habits were solidified into my daily routine.  Specifically, getting up earlier, eating breakfast at the table, packing my lunch.  This week has proved to me - my new habits are so not set yet!  Have I made progress, sure!  There are all sorts of mumbo jumbo out there on how many days, weeks, or months it takes to make a new habit.  I think it depends on the person and the habit that is being changed.  I think we have to be very aware of our actions and we have to be very accountable to ourselves!

I am believing I will have a very productive day today.  A day that will set the tone for the weekend and next week.  Its going to be great!

Can't wait to talk again this evening!

9:47 PM Bad night :-( I hate letting my feelings get hurt. I wanted to eat. Pure emotional crutch! I made spaghetti for the family tonight with French/garlic bread. The disaster was set before me! So what did I do? I ate a half a small spaghetti squash and an orange after my dinner of cabbage with compliant spaghetti sauce! Oh wait, then I had hot lemon herbal tea. So I stayed compliant....but I wasn't eating for hunger or health. I am proud of myself though, I think it's a step forward, I didn't cave to unhealthy choices. 

Jumping back to lunch. I came home to eat lunch today. I actually ate at the table! I warmed up 2 chicken breast and made a quick slaw. I ate one chicken breast and about 1/2 of the slaw. 

Today I also drank less than 3 cups of coffee!!! This is pretty huge!! 

Now I am off to bed. Brandy and I have a run in the morning! If I feel like I do now I will be ready to run off some serious steam!! 

Thank you again for reading!

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