Wednesday, June 26, 2013


 A long time ago I worked with a woman who encouraged me to be part of the DIN DIN club - the Do It Now club.  I appreciated her enthusiasm and believed she had grasped how to be part of the DIN DIN Club - but I struggled as I considered becoming a member.  I wanted to be a member but just could not figure it out. Today, I am still not a member, but I am finally getting there.  

So, this is my attempt to encourage you to begin your membership to the DIN DIN club.  In life we tend to put things off until circumstances are better...

When the girls get a little bit older....
When work settles down....
When the girls are out of school....
When I lose weight....
When the house is cleaner....
When we have more money....
When life settles down....

News Flash - there are always going to be circumstances!  Once the girls are a little bit older, there will be a new circumstance, once work settles down something else will pop up.  ALWAYS!  I am speaking from experience.

My girls got older, they were 12 and 16....then we had Brandy
Work settled is still busy
Two girls are out of school and into I have college things to attend and the oldest girl gave me a grandson...
When I lose weight...well that continues to be an issue, I could have done a lot of things at my current weight..
When the house is cleaner....clean only last about 8 seconds at my house - really?? Invite and have fun!  If your guest is judging your house they don't need to be there.
When we have more money - two things here...figure it out, maybe a less expensive option and the other option - begin to SAVE or you will never get there.
When life settles down - not going to happen! Today I have my folks that I am blessed with helping with, I have a grandson, I have a college freshman daughter and a soon to be 6 year old daughter....Life is not going to settle down.  Praise God though, I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed.

So whatever you have been putting off, figure out how to make it happen.  Otherwise it will never happen or when you are finally ready you will have put so many things off there simply will not be enough time left in your lifetime to complete all of them!

Lots of love!

D. J.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My blog - how to follow and comment

Well, my last post got some responses! HOT DOG!  What I found out was that it is hard to see how to comment on my blog and it's not clear how to "follow".  So this is my "how to" post!


At the bottom of each post you can easily see 3 check boxes - funny, interesting, and cool are the boxes.  Right above those boxes a little to the right it will either say "No comments" or "1 comment" or "2 comment" etc.  Click that and it will take to you a comment box!

How to follow my blog:

There is a section in the upper right titled "Followers".  A little bit more to the right there are two little boxes one on top of another.  Click it!  Another box pops up and in the upper right corner it says FOLLOW.  Just click it!

If you ever feel the urge to encourage other to read my posts you can simply copy and past the address bar at the top of the page.

Thank you!  Be sure to leave a comment so I know my directions are understandable!

D. J.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Maybe my last post....

Well this may be my last post out here.  I love a place to get my thoughts "down on paper" but I just hate that I am the only one receiving benefit from it.   Bummed.

A couple of things have been going through my head this week.

First  - worshiping our Heavenly Father through singing/music.  I get so excited to watch people worship while they sing.  I love to see the surrender, joy and peace in their faces and in their motions.  Even those who have tears streaming down their face - many are just before God laying it out there for Him to heal, to take care of, to love.  It is beautiful.  I am sad for those that can't seem to plug into this outlet to totally bask in the glory and presence of God.  When I am participating in the worship team and I get to look out at everyone often times I try to "see" God and focus my praise on Him.  I also begin to wonder and even ask God sometimes, "Are you pleased with this", "Does this make you smile", "does this honor You" ...Then I think about that day when all is said and done and nothing remains except worshiping our heavenly father.  That will be an amazing time!  In my physical knowledge and understanding I wonder what it will look like.  If I am able to look around - I would see nothing for as far as I could see -except everyone worshiping God - literally a sea of worshipers.  I know I would be excited. But then I have to think about all those that aren't there.  That decided to NOT follow Christ.  Will I think about them on that day?  Will God?  Will God have emotions of joy and of loss?  I hate the thought of people living without a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.  I also hate the thought of God losing one of his children.  Does this spur you into action?  It does me, it motivates me to live as He has called me to live and do what he prompts me to do.  Times a wasting - we've got to get moving.

Well I was going to touch on a couple more things.  But I think that is a good amount to ponder for today.

Lots of love to all.  Please comment so I know this is getting read.

D. J.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I Think I am going to Quit

Well,  I am thinking I am going to quit blogging on here.  I don't have any comments EVER!  I would like to think that my random posts would entertain while helping someone along their life's journey.  But so far - nope.  I have very few followers, and obviously even fewer comments.  I would do just as good to type out all my random thinking in my own online journal for my benefit only.  But while I am here I might as well post one more time...then I will decide.

Life is ever changing.  God is not.  God is God.  That means his instruction manual never changes - you know - the bible.  What is has to say today is just as applicable to us today as when it was written.  God intended it to be timeless, just as He is.  There is a key to living life in an unchanging fashion as well.  We should learn by studying the Word the way to live day to day regardless of the fact that things are ever changing around us.  I haven't figured it out yet.  That simply means I have not been in the Word enough for it to become clear.  But I know that I know - the answers are all in the Word.  I know peace awaits me.  I know confidence in what I have done is found His Word.  I know a better path is there to be found and taken.  I have a glimpse of it.  But in order to see more, I must continue down His path.  Many life events go into this pondering today. To many to go into. I simply do not have enough words to express the number of emotions I go through almost on a daily basis at this point.  It's all good.  It is life.  I have been greatly blessed and am amazed that God continues to pour out even more!

I am loved!  So are you!

D. J.