Monday, May 4, 2015

Whole30 - Day 29 - Smooth sailing!

8:43 AM Only 2 more days folks! Until I can weigh anyway.  I am so excited.

I got up this morning at 5:58 - Yes, out of bed before 6:00 and it was pretty darn easy! I got up early for a couple of reasons.  1) It's housekeeper day.  My house was not as picked up as I wanted it to be.  I think we have discussed this before.  I like for her to be able to clean as deeply as possible so I clean up the surface stuff.  2) I was cooking for my husband as well this morning since he is on Whole30! I can't even tell you how happy this made me!  On so many levels!  Having hubby on it now has made it a little more challenging.  He seriously will only eat 4 vegetables.  Green beans, carrots, onions, and bell peppers, oh and he will eat lettuce.  But hopefully I will easily work around it.  I want to help him be successful too.

I am almost through with my second reading of It Starts with Food and then I am on to the new Whole30 book.  I am looking forward to new recipes!

Oh, I didn't tell you what I made for breakfast!  Steak strips and sliced onions cooked in a skillet with olive oil.  I added pico to mine,  Hubby just had the steak and onions.  He is not a big breakfast eater so it was hard for him to eat.

Okay that's all for this morning.

9:45 PM. Bad news. Hubby didn't make it through day 1. Sadness. He made it until he got home. He had a bad day. He are cereal and a hot dog. I would have never said he was one to emotionally eat. Now I wonder if we all. Don't emotionally eat to some extent. 

More bad news. The chicken I put in the frig to thaw was still too frozen to cook when I got home. So what to fix everyone to eat? Brandy wanted her leftover chicken tenders salad, so she is taken care of. Bobby had his cereal and hot dog. He is good. Okay then!! I know I have 2 leftover grilled chicken thighs and I found leftover broccoli and summer squash in the frig. No worries!!! And there is some good news, now I don't have to remember to lay anything out for dinner tomorrow! Ha!!

Let me jump backwards - lunch was a leftover burger, grilled zucchini and onions from last night. We had cake and ice cream at work today for our graduating student workers. I had not problems resisting.

I did my mile tonight. Jogged quite a bit of it. Feeling pretty proud. 

I can't believe tomorrow is day 30. I am so serious when I say it does not feel like it has been 30 days.

On a really serious super honest note. I am sad hubby didn't make it through the day. I kinda feel bad that I have been successful. I am let down that I won't have the experience of doing this with him. Plus when he is down about his day/work it worries me a great deal and upsets me. I want to get in his head and tweak how he is seeing things, change his perspective, and get his focus on God and not the circumstances. It's hard not to get down with him. It's hard to not get scared. But..I know my God is bigger than Hubby's situation. I know God is faithful to complete His good work and I believe He has started a very good, very important thing with this job - and I know He isn't through. My faith has to be big and bold, my words and actions kind and encouraging. I pray my evident faith will lift his.

Deep breath. God is good ya'all. He has proven it to me personally time and time again. What he does for me he will do for any one of his children. 

Whew - you got a little bonus tonight, didn't ya? 

Have a great evening. Count your blessing. And I will talk to you on Day 30!!

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