Monday, May 18, 2015

Hello Day 43 of Whole30!

9:59 AM Good morning friends! Man I am in a great mood today!  I shouldn't be but I am. I mean, I didn't get nearly all that wanted to get done done this weekend.  I had the whole hurt feelings things going on.  I got up, out of bed by 6:20 today but was rushed because I needed to pick up more before the housekeeper came in today.  I ate my breakfast of pork and coconut coffee in the car.  So, things that normally would kinda get me a little down, a little frustrated with myself.  But lets focus on the positive!  Even though I didn't get everything done that I wanted to this weekend.  I got a lot of other stuff done.  I planted flowers in pots, and still have flowers that I need to put in my front flower bed.  My husband and I super power washed our back porch and we rearranged it.  My folks came over for dinner Saturday and Sunday night and we ate on our porch.  My husband helped me power wash my seat cushions for my chairs on the front porch.  Looking at the morning I was rushed, but I got completely ready, folded and put away a load of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, and did quite a bit of little picking up in preparation for the housekeeper.  I may have eaten breakfast in my car but I am still compliant on Whole30 and let me tell you it is awesome to think I have not put one "processed" thing in my body for 42 days!  I had an 8:30 appointment this morning.  While I was waiting in the parking lot I witnessed an elderly woman with a can walking her dog.  She was actually going to the end of an alley to get her trash can.  The not so elderly neighbor man saw her and came over to grab the trash can and carry it back to her place for her.  He was so kind, she was so appreciative and it was just a sweet sweet thing to witness.  I got to visit with one of my sweet friends at my appointment. I am just happy happy happy!

Tonight I am going to dinner with 2 of my friends who did Whole30 right around the same time I did.  We all started on different days.  Now, this kind of socializing with friends is out of my comfort zone.  So I am nervous and excited all at the same time.

Tomorrow night all three of my girls and I are going to see the new Pitch Perfect movie!

Its going to be a great day and a great week!

10:35 PM oh my goodness it had been a really great day!! I went home for lunch and had my leftover slaw and rib. While I was home I switched out the laundry, and the dishwasher. My cleaning lady hadn't been here yet, that concerned me so I contacted her. She is coming tomorrow!! I thought she was moving us to Mondays but tht was just for the last cleaning. 

I picked brandy up from school at 3:00 and we came home. I switched out laundry, folded and put away all clean, took winter out of the closet and stored it, emptied the dishwasher. Then I got ready for dinner with my two whole30 buddies! It was way better than I imagined!! We were there almost 3 hours but it sure didn't seem like it! It was great! I had my normal pollo loco. The girls both ordered something different and it was all compliant!! Now we all have new options for eating there!! 

I am going to bed super happy tonight!

Goodnight all!

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