Sunday, May 17, 2015

Day 42 Whole30

10:18 PM this is going to be a quicky post as I am pooped!

I got up this morning without an alarm ya'all! Like I got up on time! It was just before 6:00 AM! I had a leftover hamburger wrapped in lettuce with my coconut oil coffee for breakfast.  

For lunch it was a leftover chicken breast and leftover cooked carrots with Ghee.  

Dinner - the hubs grilled ribs!! I seasoned my own - no sauce.  The family had baked beans and corn in the cob.  I made a tomato onion jalepeno cabbage slaw type salad and sliced some avocados for myself. It was good!! 

Worked my hiney off outside with the hubs. Didn't get most of what I needed to done. Have a busy but fun week planned.  It's going to be okay!!

Can't wait for Monday....really I can, I would take another day off...good night!

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