Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 10 Whole30 - This ROCKS!

8:29 AM.  Good morning!  Wow - I almost feel like wonder woman today.  I got up at 6:16 - please note that is 4 minutes earlier than yesterday and had to get busy! Today is "Walk to School" day, so we leave a good 10 minutes earlier than normal.  I got up, emptied the dishwasher, put a roast in the crock pot with new potatoes and I peeled and cut up carrots and put in it too. BAM!  Dinner for tonight - which will be busy because it is church night.  I made my breakfast and Brandy's breakfast and even fried up some ham for my man.  I had two eggs fried in ghee and a sliced tomato - darn it, I just realized a could have had a half of an avocado too.  Oh well.  I quickly ate my breakfast so I could get ready in time to leave for "Walk to School" day.  I left the house without make up but was able to put it on before anybody arrived at the designated parking lot for "Walk to School" day.  Can you tell "Walk to School" Day is a big day in our house!

Let me take a second to give props to my husband here.  In my wonder woman flitter this morning I asked if he could make the bed.  He said yes, and he made it very well :-) Also, last night, I asked for help cleaning the kitchen before I started homework.  He said he would take care of it.  I spent over 2 hours on homework and sure enough - he cleaned the kitchen and started the dishwasher.  Things like this go FAR with me.  They scream, "I love you and support you!"  I am smiling as I type this.

Okay - so here we are at day 10.  My confidence seems to increase each day that I will be able to complete this full 30 days!  I have read that some people do a Whole45 or a Whole60.  I might be tempted since it has been fairly easy so far.  Today I actually think my pants are fitting looser.  I so hope this blog will encourage others to give it a whirl.  My friend Erin started it 2 days ago!

1:03 PM Lunch was simply my leftover scallops and mashed cauliflower broccoli.  It looked like such a small amount of food when I packed it this morning.  Seriously, there was a little bit of panic - what if I starve!?! I had to use some positive self talk and remind myself that A) I will not starve B) I just don't need as much food any more!  It was yummy!  Its nice too, that when it comes lunch time I don't have to decide where I am going to go and what I am going to eat.  This was a daily stressor for me.  Now it is gone.  Preparation and Planning - they do wonders!  The same for dinner - it's in the crock pot! It will be ready when I get home! No worries, no scrambling to feed the family and myself before church.  This Whole30 is becoming an even more awesome change than what I expected.

9:12 PM. My roast carrots and avocado was good! I found out mustard is compliant so I had some on my roast. I had kids tonight at church and we always have snack and candy. When I say "we" I mean me too! Tonight I did not partake. It wasn't hard - just odd. I am enjoying a cup of herbal tea now. Planning on bed pretty quick where I will read some and I think hubby and I are going to watch an episode of blue bloods. I love doing that! I think Netflix is the bomb! 

Kind of a so so post...I will try to be more exciting tomorrow - on Day 11!!!

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