Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I Think I am going to Quit

Well,  I am thinking I am going to quit blogging on here.  I don't have any comments EVER!  I would like to think that my random posts would entertain while helping someone along their life's journey.  But so far - nope.  I have very few followers, and obviously even fewer comments.  I would do just as good to type out all my random thinking in my own online journal for my benefit only.  But while I am here I might as well post one more time...then I will decide.

Life is ever changing.  God is not.  God is God.  That means his instruction manual never changes - you know - the bible.  What is has to say today is just as applicable to us today as when it was written.  God intended it to be timeless, just as He is.  There is a key to living life in an unchanging fashion as well.  We should learn by studying the Word the way to live day to day regardless of the fact that things are ever changing around us.  I haven't figured it out yet.  That simply means I have not been in the Word enough for it to become clear.  But I know that I know - the answers are all in the Word.  I know peace awaits me.  I know confidence in what I have done is found His Word.  I know a better path is there to be found and taken.  I have a glimpse of it.  But in order to see more, I must continue down His path.  Many life events go into this pondering today. To many to go into. I simply do not have enough words to express the number of emotions I go through almost on a daily basis at this point.  It's all good.  It is life.  I have been greatly blessed and am amazed that God continues to pour out even more!

I am loved!  So are you!

D. J.

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