Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Here's a thought - Faith and Pride

A week ago Sunday I was doing a 9 mile walk/jog in preparation for my first half marathon on May 1st. About 1/2 way through my knee began to hurt. Oddly enough, it hurt more when I walked. I was not sure I was going to be able to finish my training for the day. I kept pushing on. About 7 miles into it I decided to text my husband because I really did not know if I was going to make it. He encouraged me but was willing to come and get me if I needed him to. I completed my training. I immediately sat down and put ice on my knee. The next day, it was still pretty tender. I ran 2.5 miles Tuesday night, I can run pain free but walking really hurts. Wednesday - tender. Thursday I run another 2.5 no problem, except when I walk. Friday I think it's getting better. Run Saturday in a 5k race, new personal best time! Saturday night the knee starts popping when I walk, Sunday the pain is worse. Sunday at church I wanted to go forward and ask for prayer for healing, but I held back. I didn't ask because I thought my request was rather selfish. First of all, I didn't want to go to the doctor. I didn't want to tell the doctor that I am a runner and training for a half marathon because I am still a big girl - I didn't want to be embarrassed. I also did not want him to tell me I could not or should not do the half marathon. Second, I want my knee healed so I can do the half marathon. I know God can and will heal but didn't think my motives were right. So I began contemplating on this. God WANTS to heal me...He doesn't want me to be in pain...but does He care about my half marathon. Sunday it got a bit worse and by Monday morning it was popping with almost every walking step I took and when it popped it shot a pain through my knee. I called the doctor. I admitted I was a runner at my size and that I was training for a half marathon. Amazingly - it didn't knock him off his doctor stool! He just looked at my knee, asked me some more questions, and then prescribed some meds and a follow up visit before the race and said if we needed to we could put a shot into my knee to help at that time. WOW! Yesterday I started the medicine, put a knee support on for the day, I did not go run (because I didn't feel good) and my friend prayed for God to heal me knee and I agreed with her in this prayer. TODAY - minimal pops, minimal pain. You be the judge - one day of medicine and a knee support or GOD. I am leaning towards God. Something in my spirit said to me - D. J. not wanting to go to the doctor for those reasons are issues of pride, you faced those issues which opened the door for God to heal. I think it's pretty darn neat! Thank you God for healing my knee! Til next week. D. J.

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