Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Don't Block Your Blessings!

For a while now, I have been feeling like God has more for me that I just haven't been getting. I had actually decided that I was just in a season of reflection. This was very wrong. I had been blocking my own blessings from God. This became evident to me a little over a month ago. I love to sing, I don't read music, I do it all by ear and did I say, I love to sing!! But, since I am not a "musician" it makes me nervous to participate in a group of singers/musicians or to sing for anyone other than my children. Like scared nervous! I had been prompted for a LONG TIME to participate in our Worship Team at church. I did not act on that prompt for various percieved reasons, really I was just scared. Finally, I asked if I could help out and botta bing botta boom I am on the worship team. Now, I kid you not, the first Sunday I sang with them, when I sat down it was like a flood of communication from God! I wrote notes and wrote and wrote - it was amazing! I needed to offer a sacrifice to God, and I was too scared. Once I gave in and obeyed God's desire for me - a door was opened.

Once the door was opened I was enlightened as to another type of block I had put up. INACTIVITY. Sure, I pray, I go to church, I seek God. But, I wasn't praying for people like I used to, my heart wasn't where it needed to be at all times, I wasn't working on growing closer to God - I was just maintaining the relationship. My inactivity has been blocking blessings as well.

The blessings have been numerous since I sang - Financial blessing, blessing of peace, blessings in relationships, blessings of love and new understanding for others and blessings of compassion. It's simply amazing!

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