Thursday, September 24, 2009

Really - be quiet, don't complain, don't argue?

Wow! Am I getting some difficult ones! In my journaling / blogging, I find I can ponder and talk with God and hear clearer and understand better. My plan for cleaning and organizing is coming together. In the midst of this difficult task, I am overwhelmed with a urgent need to calm down! To stay calm through out each day. To be quiet ( for those who know me you know this is way outside my comfort zone) to not complain and to not argue. But, rather, to PONDER. To listen to what is being said around you. To think before you speak...or not speak. What an interesting combination of things God is bringing me through right now and what an interesting way to bring me through it. My curiosity is peaking, where is God taking me? The only way to find out is to head his proddings. I am excited!

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