Monday, August 5, 2013


Resistance...Or is it confusion.  Just typing that makes me think about this even more.

I am still in a place of knowing that I need to make several life changes.  I still can't see the how...I just know I am being prompted by the Lord to make changes.  I am so frustrated. I don't even know where to begin and I can't see with my minds eye how I can bring to pass what I feel I am suppose to.  As I have been thinking about it this morning I thought perhaps I am being resistant to change...which made me wonder if I were confused...that upsets me because it's possible and confusion is not from I feel a bit like a failure.  If I pop back to resistance, well that's the same as rebellion in this case - which is sin.

Today I am just going to pray that God show me 1 clear simple step forward that I can do today.  I will do it, breaking the resistance and rebellion and clearing the confusion. I will take that same step tomorrow and ask for another step to do as well. Progress towards God's prompting.

Tell me what you think by commenting! I also love words of encouragement (scripture Word that is).

Thank you for reading!

D. J.


Unknown said...

Testing the comments section...

Anonymous said...

So what kind of changes are you wanting to make? And are they multiple changes? Sometimes if I try to take on too many things at once it feels overwhelming so I end up giving up on everything. What if you list them in order of important or ease, and then start with the easiest....or least important.