Friday, August 20, 2010

Just a weekly little update

I try to post to this blog once a week about the spiritual aspect of my life at that given time. This week, I can't quite explain it. Initially I want to say God is being quiet but that isn't true. I have been prompted to pray and prompted to rethink some things. So no, God isn't being quiet. I am inclined to say I am too busy to be hearing from God, plus, I didn't go to church on Sunday or Wednesday this week...little bit of self imposed guilt comes through there. But that is not entirely it either. I think, perhaps, that the spiritual aspects of our day to day life don't always have to be profound! In relationships (as we are in with God) each day is wonderful but not always full of "aha's" and "wows". Humanly speaking, some of our best relationship days are just quiet days where we get to just simply be with one another. Maybe not a word is spoken! Life is just calm and we are together chillin'. That's good even looked forward to. I know my husband and I have been talking about this and dreaming about it :-). Could this be my spiritual place this week, just chillin' with God? I rather kinda like that thought and I rather kinda like being here...just temporarily though. Ponder it!

Hoping your walk with God is always in forward motion!

D. J.

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