Friday, August 13, 2010

I love Norman Vincent Peale

I don't know how many years it has been since I was fortunate enough to read Norman Vincent Peale's book The Power of Positive Thinking. Recently, after many many years, I have picked the book back up and I am reading it again. It's all about thinking positive thoughts - why? Because God through His Word gives us so much hope, so much promise, so much to be happy about!

I am reminded that we, as Christians, simply don't pray enough, we don't read God's word enough and we don't apply God's word to our daily lives enough. I think of the Norman Vincent Peales, the Zig Ziglars, oh...there is one more I can't think of right now, anyway - they lived their faith totally in faith, solid knowledge, and dynamically! Sadly I think these types of Christians are literally a dieing breed. I want to change that. I want to be one of "those Christians" I want to bring about true change in someones life - not just because they BELIEVE the GOOD NEWS but because they BELIEVE AND LIVE what the GOOD NEWS has to say and offer.

I read the scripture this morning that says "who can add an hour to his life by worrying". So true. Why worry? Just pray and believe. We are told to come boldly before the throne. We are told God is able to do abundantly more than we can ask for or imagine. If God be for us, who can be against us? I know the reason I am not prospering as much as I would like right now is because of me! My thinking, my lack of Godly knowledge and my lack of applying Godly knowledge to my daily living. The power to change this is in my hands. I am not just talking financially here. I am talking emotionally, spiritually, through relationships, through work, through mothering and wifing. Doing it all - that's my Call -- I want to do it all with God's power right with me. If I want to drive to Wal Mart I have to put the power of gasoline in my tank, right? Well if I want to live my faith the way God wants me to I have to put the power of God in my mind (by reading His word and thinking positive right thoughts) and on my tongue by speaking truth, life and positive things into everything I say!

That's where I am today. Pondering what I haven't tapped into.

How about you?

Lots of love,

D. J.

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