Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Odd past few days

What can I say. I have just had an odd past week. I blame it on trying to adjust to Bobby working days and his being back at work, and the fact that I have been out of town the past two weekends for my daughters cheer competitions. Everything is out of order right now. My house isn't close to clean, my dinner menus are not planned and my cabinets are rather bare. It's mid term at school. Almost spring break. I am just out of the chaotic pattern I consider normal. I am not hear nor there and at times I am paralyzed by the magnitude of what needs to be done, preferably today. I am also physically tired! This just compounds everything. Spiritually speaking - other than may daily prayer at work with a friend...I have been lazy. So while I am leaning on God to help me muddle through until free time pops up and I am feeling rested enough to start tackling these things. Meanwhile, I must do what I know to do with this moment. As I am typing this God is gently whispering to me, but this is still a time to shine. Especially with my family. When things are out of whack anywhere - I (and I think I could safely say "we" and cover most mothers and wives out there) tend to take it out on my family. They see the worst of me. I am truly at MAJOR FAULT when I allow that to happen. Sure, they could help more, do more, pick up after themselves, offer to go to the store and such...but not matter what they could do different - I should not be ugly, grumpy, and short with them. I choose my attitude and I choose my responses. If I am ever in doubt, the safest thing would be to just shut up! I also have to learn, especially during times like this, to take care of myself. This is not the time to give up on eating right - as the wrong eating compounds the feelings of exhaustion and such - it's not the time to stop getting activity in. We - or I guess I mean I, tend to compound our own issues. Again, every day situations - no matter what - are a time to shine and to glorify God. You never know who is watching or hearing about how we handle life. I must speak to my family tonight and apologize for my not so Godly behaviors this week. That is so hard, but God keeps putting this thought in my mind. I choose to obey and I will apologize tonight.

Hope this blog causes you to ponder...

Lots of love,

D. J.

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