Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Still Holding On

Last week my little one broke her leg for the 3rd time in 7 months. Same leg, same spot. We have been attempting to get an approved referral from our Hospital to a specialist as we know there is a health issue prior to this 3rd break. With this break I have struggled greatly in holding on to the promises - but God is so good. Yesterday when I was sure I could not take one more drop to the burden I was bearing He gave me a glimpse of His hand at work. It wasn't the approved referral, it wasn't manifested healing, it was just a small gesture that showed me beyond a shadow of a doubt that God knows how I feel, He knows I am afraid, He knows my specific fears, He is with me. The small gesture relieved A LOT of my anxiety and renewed my faith. I am back to the scripture that got me through so much quite a few years ago, Jeremiah 29:11. Back then it was to save my marriage, today it is to heal my daughter and to help me through each day until healing is complete.

I have a mental picture today - Here I am hanging on this rope, the rope is made up of Gods Word - Jeremiah 29:11 is where my grasp is, and I am looking up and see that God is holding on even tighter to the other end of the rope, let me telling you He is not letting go and He is even pulling me closer to him... while I am hanging onto this rope words of doubt, are flying by me, even hitting me trying to get me to be distracted from holding on and looking to God - I can read them so they are easily distracting me, I have to choose to look at the rope, adjust my grasp and look to God - KNOWING HE IS PULLING ME CLOSER.

I just told my sister in law the other day that I think we all have seasons of tears. I am in a tearful season again, and it's okay, I know the seasons change.

I pray your rope is the Word of God today.

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