Monday, August 19, 2013

Obedience, it's a good thing!


The PRAY, PRAISE, TRUST realization is really growing my faith and opening my eyes.  I have started to do the "one thing" I have been prompted to do, I have not done it perfectly, but I see things getting into line as a result of the efforts that I am putting out.  I have also set aside my pride and I have asked for help in the way of asking for others to pray.  I have experienced changes that simply can't be explained in any other way - other than, prayers are going up and God is answering.  Just getting a glimpse of what a little obedience put into motion helps me to be motivated to stay the course!  I encourage you today - if you know you are doing what you are suppose to be doing, just keep at it, PRAISE and TRUST, keep your eyes, heart and mind open to all that God is doing around you.  I can assure you, you will see things in motion for your benefit!

Lots of Love,

D. J.

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