Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nothing specific

Well, not a whole lot to mention since my last blog. But a bit, so I will.

Yesterday I got to stay home with Brandy. At the time she should have been brushing her teeth she was vomiting instead. A little bit of stress kicked in when I realized I would be missing work and a day of class, but that was quickly eliminated as she cuddled up next to me to tell me her tummy hurt. While I was very sad that she did not feel good, my mommy ego was way inflated! Even at 4 years old she is developing her own type of independence and it just grows as they do. So I bask in their need of me when they are sick. I love to take care of them. I love trying to make them as comfortable as possible. I also got a very relaxed, laid back day. She was not her usual energizer bunny self, so I was able to just sit and watch cartoons with her, drink some coffee and be quiet. I also did not have to run anybody anywhere or go anywhere. Additionally there weren't a flood of people coming in and out (as they do on the weekends) - just one time did someone pop in and then out. The rest of the day was super quiet. I got quite a bit of house work done, made an awesome big "I love my family" kind of dinner and made a few phone calls. It was delightful! Today is back to normal - she is back at school and I am back at work - darn the healthy little thing - LOL - just kidding. I am glad she feels better.

A little update of the Daniel fast. I haven't done as well this week. Not good at all. For that I am disappointed in myself. On the other hand I am really happy with how God has opened my eyes and through that has opened my ears to his works, his promptings and his presence. I think I may have mentioned this in my previous post, but I have developed a new desire to have more God in everyday! It has gone from KNOWING I need to be spending more time with God to WANTING to spend more time with Him. It's funny how fast we forget all that a good relationship can bring in to our lives. How good relationships make us better people. How good relationships make life more doable. Not that I have my life full of bad relationships...I have relationships on "needs/must have" basis only. Basically meaning I have very few friends that I do anything with. My life is spent doing for, taking care of and being with my family. We all need relationships (GOOD QUALITY ONES) outside of the family. That first relationship should always be God! Then the others don't have to be many, but they do have to be some. We need relationships for us - but we also need relationships so we can pour into the lives of others. God has blessed each of us in very different ways...but most of them all are stories of hope and answered prayers. Not every body has experienced what we have or maybe as much as we have. As we pour into them the faith begins to grow wings, to believe God in bigger ways they have before. It is our responsibility to share the good new, yes the Gospel, but it is also our responsibility to share our personal experiences with God with others.

Okay - I think that's all I will post for today.

Please tell me what you think!

D. J.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts D.J.! I am glad to spend my days with Zoe when she is not well too just lovin' and cuddlin'. As you know it goes away fast.

Good thoughts on relationships too. I'm looking forward to your devotional in Iron Clad. It's difficult for me to "want" relationships outside my family. Suzi Eller spoke right at me last week. I have to force myself to put myself out there. Funny how we women are so much alike.