Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Faith Walk

Yesterday we received confirmation that our precious little 3 year old has Osteogenisis Imperfecta Type I. Basically it's the mildest form of a disorder that creates weaker bones and such. We praise God that is isn't cancer and that it's not one of the worse types. At the same time my heart weeps - who want their child to have something that is incurable wrong with them. My faith walk has changed to say the least. As I read and study what "can" happen with this disorder I have to remember this is what the world has determined to be true. Gods truth is the ultimate truth. God is bigger than the disorder. God still heals completely. God protects. It seems there is a fine line here though. I do trust God with her health. At the same time I will not be ignorant of it. Because I trust God does not mean that I don't educate myself. It does not mean that I do nothing. If a child is diagnosed with diabetes - do we trust God and not give the child the insulin the body needs? God does heal, sometimes on demand - but most often in HIS timing.

I trust God that I am saved and that I am heaven bound. So do I now do nothing? No, I learn more about his character, more about what He wants me to do with the here and now. God heals and God protects - so do I now do nothing? No, I learn more about the enemy I/we battle and how to effectively battle in the world and I trust God to do all He can in HIS time. I trust God to guide my learning and to put me in touch with the information that I need. part of the armor of God is wisdom - Godly wisdom, Godly wisdom is first and foremost His Word, but God also uses other forms to get the wisdom before us that he intends for us.

The chances of Brandy having this disorder were 1 in 60,000. I believe God guided me to search the Internet for Brandy's issue. I believe he guided me to the site that introduced me to this disorder. I believe God gave me the boldness to go demand that she be tested - you see two pediatricians basically told me I was over reacting. Had I waited on the very educated world (doctors) I know we would be no closer to knowing that Brandy had a medical condition. God prompted, guided and empowered.

In the midst of waiting - almost a year now since I started asking that she be tested - I have had to put my trust and the well being of my daughter in Gods hands. It has been hard knowing I had done all that I could do, and that I could do NOTHING else to help her, other than to trust God. In a way I am still there - I can't heal her, I can't make it all better. Oh how my heart hurts to have to say that and accept it. So now, as my friend said yesterday - we knew there was an enemy and yesterday the enemy was given a name. That's all that has really changed. I still can't make her all better. I can't fix this. I have to put my trust in God, I believe him for protection and healing. I believe He is good and I believe He will do as His Word says and work all things to the good for those that love the Lord. I love the Lord and so does Brandy.

What I can do, I will do. I will also seek God to show me all that I can do and how to accomplish it. My God is Good and My God is Faithful.

To say I am not afraid would be a lie. My daughter, Allison 15, gave me this quote last night: Don't tell God how big your fear is, Tell your fear how big your GOD is! I am surrounded by blessings! In Jesus Name - this OI type I will not affect Brandy and it has to leave her body!

Praying your faith in increasing and becoming more solid every day!

D. J.

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