Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Calmer Week than Normal - Nice

Ahhhhh...the calm! I choose to believe this is just a gift from God and not the assumed calm before the storm. I choose to enjoy this gift. It has been a crazy busy week, but a good kind of crazy. A lot is getting done. I can see forward progress being made. I am hearing from God, and I am listening and responding! There have been a few things that have been troubling me this week. I have been amazed at the devotions I have been reading each day - they are touching on the exact things that are troubling me. Isn't God so good! Even if I am too lazy to sit down, open my bible and actually read His work, He will still bless me and put His word, direction, and comfort right in front of my face. I love that He want to permeate my very being with HIM! I love that He loves me that much. I am encouraged by it. I feel like I am actually valuable - I am worth His attention. I like feeling this way! I want to just bask in it! You know the world can rob us of this feeling - it can cause us to forget the love and adoration we have from our Heavenly father - but this can only happen if we let the worlds words and such count more than our Father's word. It's our choice. It's hard to consciously shift that choosing, but it can be done. I am getting better and better at it. I encourage you to do the same. God loves you the exact same amount that he loves me. That's just how he is.

I also want to encourage you to find a daily devotion - whether it is a book or online. There are so many available and easily accessible - do it! Then pray! I have this great co-worker christian friend. We decided over a year ago that we needed to cover our office in prayer as the other 3 are not believers. Everyday, after I read a devotion, I get on yahoo chat, connect to her and I pray...she responds and is in agreement with the prayer and we have just covered our office! It's amazing - and we have seen so much that is undeniably God in action. We have told our co-workers that we have been praying over this or that specifically and God answered our prayers...It's so cool!

Anyway! That's all for this week!

D. J.

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