Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here I am!

Well, here I am. My very own blog! I am excited. I hope this reaches others and encourages them to live each day, the best they can, the way that God intended them too. As I walk my walk with God, I am far from perfect. I desire and strive to draw closer to God. God's love, grace, and mercy is abundant, not only for me, but for all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I am very human, very real, and still loved by God. I want to encourage those who continually beat themselves up for not being enough or doing enough or for screwing up and such. God is a forgiving God. While He has high expectations of each of us, He knows we aren't perfect. I try to live it and say it as plainly as I can. I try to live how God wants me to live, not how the world says I should live. I am a normal, everyday person who is simply pursuing a Godly life. I plan to share more each time I blog. Goodness knows it would be one long blog if I tried to do it all now. I am so excited!

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