9:17 PM I just realized I haven't written any thing all day!
This morning I scrambled up 3 eggs with onion and spinach and had some black coffee. I only at about 2/3 of it. For lunch we went out....again.....I had a 6 oz steak, salad with lemon juice as dressing and green beans. I went grocery shopping - spent a little over $100 and that included extra for cooking dinner for my folks tonight. So I really should finish this Whole30 for about $400 for the month for my entire family. I have tossed some things that spoiled before we ate them, so with a little better planning skills it will be even less. I think this is pretty reasonable.
Tonight we grilled steaks, chicken, brats, and hot dogs along with summer squash, zucchini, and onions. I love grilled veggies. I also cooked a sweet potato. Let me tell you that sweet potato rocked! Let me also tell you I need that home cooked meal instead of eating out. As I have been cleaning up the kitchen I have my lunch prepared for tomorrow and a back up dinner as my daughters, a friend and I are going to a Women's Spring Banquet at my best friends church. I am so excited - I am pretty sure I have posted that the speaker is the blogger that, through her posts of her Whole30 journey, convinced me to take my Whole30 journey!
People are starting to comment on my weight. Like, A LOT! I am getting very excited to weigh in on day 31. I honestly don't know what to expect. I wonder if I will be shocked or disappointed. How could I be disappointed if the weight loss is significant that people are noticing and commenting? I am an odd creature - it could happen. I have a number that has stayed in my head even though I have tried to shake it...if it is less than that number I am afraid I will be disappointed. I am going to try to be realistic...hello it will have only been 30 days!
On paper it is looking like a busy week. I know I will be ok,, but I want to be more than ok and I know that is all within my power.
Okay - one more thing for today and I will be done.
Today as I was talking to my pastor about Whole30 (because he noticed my weight loss) I told him, like verbalized, "This is really the first time in my life I feel like I am in control of my food." This made me think of 2 Corinthians 10:5 - We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ, I have been able to apply this scripture to many areas of my life and in some very difficult situations. I have never been able to take captive my thoughts over food. NEVER. Now that I can, I can't help but to be convinced I am on a good path with this Whole30.
Thank again for reading! As always - feel free to comment or facebook me!
D. J.
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