Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Whole30 R2 D3 Done - Prayer blog

07/30/15 12:56 AM

Day 3 is done.  I am telling you, it is so stinking easy to stick with this.  I love doing this with friends this time too. The past 3 days I have not battled any intense cravings, I haven't felt hungry, and I haven't had any significant side affects.  I have been on vacation which may be helping as I have napped the past three days in the afternoon...ohhhhh that has been so nice. Even with the naps the first two nights I still went to bed rather early.  I do think I was a bit lacking in the sleep department due to finals week.  So, I may be catching up.  However, when I did my first W30 I was very aware of my body needing sleep when I first started...perhaps this is just an area I need to work on.  Tonight, I can't sleep.  I am plenty tired but my mind is going 90 to nothing! I am yawning as I type this.  I am hoping that taking time to do this will help.  My 4:20 alarm to do 5:00 cross-fit is about to get turned off...that's the most frustrating thing to not being able to sleep tonight.  Why can't I sleep?  I had a good amount of energy today.  I drank over 50 ounces of regular (caffeinated) tea after 7:00 tonight...did that do it?  Or is it because I am thinking (worrying) about people I love?  Or maybe a combination of both.  I have decided to blog/pray to help.  They writing/typing is therapeutic for me and well praying is good for everyone!

Father - first of all thank you for knowing ahead of time everything that is going to happen in our lives and thank you that you already have a plan to bring us through each trial.  Thank you for your Word and your faithfulness. Thank you for all the experiences that I have had that have drawn me closer to you, that have made me more dependent upon you, that have grown my faith and trust.  Thank you that I can now look at other peoples trials and know they are going to be okay because You are taking care of them.

I have  young loved ones tonight who is getting hit really hard by attacks - financial, physical, mechanical, probably emotional as well.  I pray your blessing over them.  I pray unexpected abundance in any area You see fit for them.  I pray peace over their minds.  I pray their desire to reach out to you in prayer and in dedication to you is increased.  I pray they are able to see you at work in the little and in the big things over the next few days.  I pray Your big solutions over their situations while also blessing them with life/faith lessons along the way.  I pray they become stronger as a result.  I pray as You bring them through this season in their lives that the power satan tries to have over them is greatly weakened.  As I have opportunity to talk to them that You would give me the words to speak to them.

Another loved one is growing in so many ways, beautiful ways.  Sometimes growth is painful.  I pray peace over this one as well.  I pray heart wisdom for this one.  I pray during this time they draw close to you and become forever closer to you.  I pray joys through their day.  I pray for unexpected joys!  I also pray you blessing over them.  Again, I would pray that you would give me words when I am in conversation with this one.

Another loved one is so rocked by situations around them that can't be controlled or necessarily fixed.  They bask in the issues rather than seeking your solutions.  They stress out so much.  Lord I pray Your vision become so bold for daily life that the issues become irrelevant!  I pray that seeing what Your plan is brings this person more into your playing field than that of the world around them.  I pray blessing over this loved one too.  I pray for Your words as I speak with them and for patience and encouragement.

I hate to see my loved ones in turmoil.  I hate but love knowing they are going to be okay, be taken care of...I hate not being able to give them that piece of faith, I love knowing this is only temporary for them.  I hate seeing them worry and hurt.  I hate not being able to fix things for all of them.

I love having them in my life.  I love being part of their lives.  I pray that I am a valuable piece to their life - the value I desire to be is the value of someone who loves them, believes in them, and points them to You.  I am thankful you have given me resources to help on a moments notice.  I am thankful that you help us pull through when we don't have a lot of support around us.

I pray father that each person I have prayed over is resting soundly and peacefully.  I pray you are refreshing their bodies, minds and spirits to the fullest tonight.  I pray when they each wake up in the morning that they are full of hope, clarity of thought, and full of joy and love.

I pray over my day father - I pray I am able to sleep soon.  I pray I am able to make good decisions all day long.  I pray for a productive day in the ways that I need to be productive.  I pray over this yard sale - I pray for support and help in it.  I pray that since I have laid these concerns before you that I am able to leave them there..I know  you are watching over them.  I pray that I glorify you and point people to you.

In Jesus Name I pray - Amen.

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