Thursday, July 2, 2015

Well, here we are again.

07/02/15 8:54 PM

First of all I want to say that I love Sleepy Time tea.  I love celestial seasonings teas!  I just made a cup. I just took in a deep breath of the wonderful aroma, ahhhhh, the first sip is just so good!

Okay, now for an update.  Life not on Whole30 is rough.  I am not as good as I would like to be at sticking to this healthier way of eating "most" of the time.  I feel like I have given up my control over food.  I haven't given in though.  I am just having a rough go of it.  Food beckons me again, and I find it hard to resist.  So I think I really have to be all in for designated amounts of time.  I also have to have and I have to be prepared.  That's a big given!  That is also something I haven't really done for a while.

I thought about another public announcement would be bit weird.  I mean I just came off 60 days of Whole30 and now I am going to do it again..a bit psycho?  With a little less boldness required I am gust going to announce it on my blog! Ha Ha!  It does help when I journal my adventures so guess what my wonderful blog readers???You get to enjoy the day by day again!  I promise to mix this up with other stuff so the blog isn't all about healthy eating.

Tomorrow, back on Whole30.  I have also committed to 20 minutes of activity per day for July.  Yesterday Brandy and I walked around our "block" for 20 minutes.  Tonight was rainy and stormy so Allison and I went to the gym.  I did a fat burn program on the treadmill, it wasn't hard, but my hiney and thighs are not happy now.  I am, I love "feeling" the work out.

Okay - for fun - how about some random facts about me?

Married 25 years to the same man.  We have had ups and downs to the extreme, we have had to work hard and it's been totally worth it.  I think hard work always pays off.  I love him more than I could ever begin to express.

My favorite color is pink.  I love coffee - just black is best - every now and then I shake it up with a latte and very rarely with some sugar.  I love my birthday.  I love my family.  I firmly believe in God and his Word, and that He gave his one and only son for me...You too, in case you didn't know.

I love to read.  I am 44 years old and have been in college for about 7 years now.  I plan on getting my accounting degree.  It's never too late.

I struggle with confidence but like who I am...does that even make sense?  I am continually trying to improve -to be the best me - I believe it is literally a life long process.

Is there anything you want to know?  Ask away!  No guarantees that I will answer, ,but I probably will.

Thanks for reading! I really do appreciate that you are curious enough to read.

D. J.

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