Monday, July 6, 2015

Quick Post!

07/06/ 15 10:56 PM

Just real quick.  I was Whole30 all the way today.  Got my new Tomtom GPS watch today.  Going to switch to mapmyfitness for a while instead of my fitbit and see how I like it. Way excited to use my Tomtom!  I am trying it because I am tired of depending on my iphone GPS to doesn't.

Spent a lot of time talking to God today. Seriously, throughout the day.  I wish I had words here - I just love being in His presence.  I love hearing from him.  When I get all caught up with what is going on around me, even though it's good stuff, I lose my focus on God.  I allow the busyness of life to distract me.  Keeping God at the forefront in the midst of a busy life helps in so many ways.  I need it and long for it.

That's all for today - told you it was going to be quick!

D. J.

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