Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Stumbling Through...

06/10/15 8:55 AM

Good Morning Friends.  I have to admit over the past few days I have had moments of feeling lost.  This part of the journey - "after Whole30" is about finding your own way with your new knowledge obtained over the past how many ever days you did your Whole30.  I am stumbling through things to try and I have yet to find anything that I would add back in.  I don't think this is a bad thing, but I certainly didn't expect it.  I am thinking I found false enjoyment in food previous to this.  I think I wanted the food to taste and be glorious, I believed it, and in the process I experienced things that were not real.  For example: I love love love home made french fries...or at least I thought I did.  We went to a restaurant last night that has these amazing home made fries.  I ate one and even said - Wow, those are good!  The taste was good.  Better than I remember ever before.  Like I actually tasted it.  BUT it wasn't so awesome that I wanted another one.  I also think I am in disbelief...can I really be satisfied with eating more wholesome long term?  I already know I can, I have done it for 60 days and loved why the disbelief?

I have also stumbled with being prepared and planned.  I have literally slacked WAY off in this arena which I know is causing unnecessary frustration.  Not preparing ahead of time and planning is just asking for stress.  The perks to being planned and prepared are phenomenal and it's not as hard as one would think.  You just have to live each day on purpose!  Do what you need to do!

I miss logging my food each day.  I think I am hard wired for list making and tracking.  So, I may start doing that again in a more abbreviated way.  Either on here on or my fitbit dashboard.  Thoughts?

Even in my stumbling, I am focused on completing the changes and, as I mentioned yesterday, adding to these lifestyle improvements.  I will move forward in achieving health.  I have not intention of allowing satan to bind me back up to a food addiction and weight problem.  I am an overcomer - that's what the bible says!

D. J.

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