Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 35 - Whole 30 - Life is Good

8:36 PM Hello! 

I was out of bed by 6:30 today.  I ended up eating my breakfast in my car - grrr for backsliding.  Even at that though I must say, I am still amazed at how little food it takes to make be feel content.  And the "stop" signal is very clear.  Now, the hunger signal still evades me.  I don't think I feel hunger yet.  I get the shakes like I mentioned yesterday, but shouldn't I be feeling something before the shakes arrive?  This is one of the reasons I am continuing past the initial 30 days.  I don't think my reset is complete.  Oh, for breakfast I heated up leftover steak and onions followed by a few strawberries and coffee with coconut oil.

One of my sweet daughters took me out to lunch for Mother's Day. We split a pollo loco - because I can no longer eat the entire order :-)

When we got home I put a roast in the crockpot with onions and potatoes for dinner . I did not eat the potatoes of course.  I put ghee on the onions, mustard on the roast.  Lordy lordy!  Followed by a few of those wonderful berries!

The strawberries are so incredibly sweet to me.  I don't know if this is because they truly are sweet or if my sensitivity to the natural sweetness has increased. 

The weeks menu is planned, breakfast, lunch and dinner through Saturday.  This is going to be a great week.  No classes.  No homework.  Instead I will have a life for the next few weeks until summer classes.  I can't wait until I am through with school. 

I broke my mile a day May running streak.  Tomorrow I plan to get back on it. 

I don't have a lot to say today - which surprises me!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

D. J.

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