8:46 AM. Good morning. Well, its the weekend. It's pouring! My plan for this morning is totally shot! I planned on getting up, going to breakfast with my dad, go clean my car, farmers market and then grocery shop. Planned on being home by noon because I get to keep my grandson today! So instead I just ate my breakfast - pico burger patty, pico and avocado! I am totally making more pico today - a lot more!
I want to express my amazement at how truly easy this whole 30 has been. I have been afraid to believe it's easy because I have been expecting "the hard part" to kick in. I also have trouble finding words to explain the ease. I do not have any trouble eating what is on the plan and not eating what is restricted from the plan. In talking to my Whole30 gals last night we did discuss that since what we are allowed to eat is so wonderful and really decadent that we simply don't feel like we are really being deprived of anything. The book (It Starts with Food) talks about making the decision to only eat things that will bring health to our body. Why this hasn't really clicked with me before is beyond me! But it also got me thinking this is the only body we get and God gave us this body. We have an obligation to take care of this gift, just as with any gift God gives us. I can look in the mirror and see that I have failed in this task miserably! But the good news - God doesn't give up on us! His desire is for us to be fit and healthy and He will help us on this journey to make the most of the body He gave us. I also believe wholeheartedly that He will heal the damage we have done to ourselves through the years of eating abuse. Doesn't this excite you! I am not a preacher so let me direct you to a good read http://www.faithandhealthconnection.org/weekly-health-scripture-romans-121/
I am contemplating adding a couple of other goals for the next two weeks. I have backed off of activity goals/focus because I didn't want to overwhelm myself. I don't think I will do anything too crazy but maybe a daily step goal with a weekly mileage goal. I also haven't been focused on water consumption. That's an easy add it. I can track both of these using my fitbit. I am going to think about this today and tomorrow and make a decision.
That's all for this morning.
8:47 PM Today has been a bit on the difficult side. I was tempted to throw in the towel, I am not going to lie. Lunch happened late, like 2:00. I warmed up some chicken from yesterday and had some pico and an avocado with it. As I mentioned my morning did not go as planned. That threw me for a bit of a loop. Lunch was late - which was fine but my day was just off step. We invited the parents over for dinner and they wanted to bring KFC. I said that was fine but asked if they would get some grilled pieces for me, to which they willingly obliged. I thought doing my own sides would be a good idea so I put a sweet potato in the oven. They arrived, I had put my sweet potato in the microwave to finish cooking it through....apparently 10 minutes is WAY to long to cook a sweet potato in the microwae...I burned that puppy like no other - not one bite was salvageable. On top of that KFC grilled chicken is horrible! Just horrible! I had some green beans and carrots with this lame chicken! I was not happy and I was not satisfied. I tried for a couple of hours to get over it but finally made a couple of eggs with pico and did not eat all of it because I got satisfied! Odd. I didn't go off plan at all. Yes, I hate that I was tempted. It's been so easy so far. I am a little bummed. I guess all that matters is that I am still on plan. Praying for more focus and confidence tomorrow.
Just a little FYI - when I type this at the end of the day it seals my day for sure. I will not slip up and have anything else for the night as I have already posted that I had success.
As always, thank you for reading!
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