Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Well the break from work was great! Time with family was great as well. Now we are 4 days into the new year, I am back at work, and life is pretty much back to normal.

So, did you make any New Year's Resolutions? I always do! I love making resolutions or a list of things I would like to accomplish for the new year. Last year I had 10 items. I totally succeeded at two of them and made GREAT strides in 6 others and two just didn't pan out. But I can assure you had I not made those goals to begin with I would not have had nearly the success in any area! This year I only made 5 hoping I would be more successful at 5 focuses rather than 10. Let me tell you what they are: 1) Health/Weight Loss, 2) Spiritual Growth 3) Financial Growth, 4)Relationships - starting with my hubby 5)Hmmmm, it seems I can't recall what this one it. Actually at this point, for this post it does not matter. I will check it tonight and update you on it in the next blog. What I want to state in this post was that as I work on all 5 of the goals....Wait - I remember #5! DeClutter and Organize!! Okay - now as I work on all 5 though I am not necessarily attacking each one of them individually. I am going to God first and foremost for all of these areas. That's the ULTIMATE change this year. I am NOT going to worry, I am NOT going to fear, I am NOT going to get emotional or stressed - - I am going to put all my trust in the Lord, I am going to seek him for correct actions, for direction, for assistance. I am doing this in journal - I am seeking him and also thanking him for his answers along the way. I am shocked by how active I already see God in my life. I am amazed at how people are acting differently around me! God is at work! I am so excited for this year. I hope you have made some resolutions - and I hope you will consider putting God at the head of each resolution. If you haven't made any, it's not too late. I hope to expand on my resolutions one by one as I continue to blog. The more we write about them and type about them and talk about them - the more successful we will be in achieving them!

Again, Happy New Year!

D. J.

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