Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Just blah

I have not been feeling good lately. I did a 5k Saturday morning, felt fine. By Saturday evening I thought I was just sore, but that carried into Sunday, Monday here comes the fever and exhaustion, Tuesday more of the same, today - feel a little better but physically and emotionally whipped!

As I type this I wonder - why do we get sick. I believe God works everything to the good for those who love him. I believe he "allows" (does not make) not so good things to come out way some time. So why sickness? At this point I don't see the good He is working. This I will be thinking about today, because if I am suppose to be getting a message here - I want to get it. I don't want feeling bad to be in vain. Wouldn't it be nice if, when we "got it" a bell went off so we knew we got it. Or a buzzer if we are wrong. LOL.

Doing it all has overwhelmed me lately. I know there will be days like this. I do have to stand back and wonder, what is on my plate that I can honestly get rid of. Today I plan to drop my online class for the summer. I am already behind. Summer is my busiest time at work and this summer has been the busiest of all summers at work. My pride aches to have to give something up, but my stress level thanks me.

I know this isn't an overly enlightening or inspirational blog - but it is real life. Life happens and it isn't always earth shattering.

Hoping all who read will comment.

Thank you,

D. J.

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