Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wow, there is just so much God is showing me right now. It's amazing. As I have mentioned, I have kinda been in a blah pattern for a while. Not really hearing from God, but knowing he is there. I had let my praying fall back substantially, I had not been reading His Word near often enough. I had been more dependent on my own abilities rather than leaning on God's. I think we all get to this point sometimes, it happens a little at a time, so little we hardly notice it until it has grown. So, I started blogging - sharing my experiences hoping to help others, then I got back into singing with our worship team, I made church attendance a must - not just Sunday Morning, but Wednesday, and for church functions. I have just been doing what I know to do, adding a bit more over time.

In doing these things, the walls blocking blessing have been falling all around me. Most recently I have been basking in and enjoying the peace that only God can give. Everything around me is far from "peachy", but I am trusting God to see me through, as I do what I know to do and follow Gods promptings. Last night my eyes were opened to be praying for someone I had no idea I needed to pray for, someone very near and dear to me, for things that I was shocked that needed to be prayed for. My eyes were opened to what has been "attacking" another dear person in my life. I was so prompted to pray and the prompts were VERY specific! This is a blessing to hear from MY God and to know that I know Him well enough to hear His voice. It's humbling knowing that God already knows the needs of these two individuals, yet wants me to pray. He could handle this all on His own, but He wants my prayers.

For the first time in my life, I have prepared a prayer closet. I am so excited. It was another one of those things I felt prompted to do and while it looks really silly, I already find peace there. I am so excited to get into a regular groove of reading His word and praying (journaling) daily. I am excited to meet one on one with my Heavenly Father.

Focusing on God's word for my life - day to day life, rather than on my own stinking thinking continues to be a priority for me. It's hard to be attentive to this at all times, but a must. If anybody has any helpful ideas please let me know.

I pray God's peace for you this week.

Lots of love,

D. J.

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