Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 - Yes, new focus, new goals!

Good morning blogger friends!

I am so blessed to work in education and to receive almost 2 paid weeks off of work during the Christmas break.  Not only is it a blessing in the fact that it is paid, but since the whole university is closed there isn't any work to pile up while I am gone!

The break was busy with the normal holiday stuff.  Multiple "Christmases" due to meeting with different pieces of family.  Shopping.  Cooking and Baking.  The Monday following Christmas the flooring people arrived to give us new flooring in our entire house with the exception of the bathroom.  I new it would be chaotic, but it ended up being way more chaotic that I expected.  We had to move literally EVERYTHING in our house from one room to another (some things went out side on the covered back porch and somethings went out front on the drive way) in as organized as a way as we could possibly handle but I am convinced no level of planning can prepare you for the realization of how much stuff you have that you seriously need to get rid of!

Normally on the break I have time to really contemplate the upcoming new year and to assess the soon to be past year...I didn't have a lot of time to do that.  So, this post is my attempt to get the thinking I was able to recorded and to make some hard core commitments for the year.  I have just made some fresh coffee so let me pour a cup and then I will get started.  Go ahead, get you a cup of warmth too...I will wait....

As I write I am going to highlight my goals along with the action items that go with them.  I will then write these goals down, by hand, and read them everyday this year.  It is proven doing so will help one to be more successful.  I will also make a checklist of sorts for each goal to check off through the year.

The first thing I committed to before the new year started and before we received our new flooring was to remove from our house a box a week of  "stuff".  I am not going to take the time to post it on an online garage sale and frustrate myself with setting up times to meet people and to maintain the posts.  I am taking the boxes to a local good will and to another local place that helps those in need. Since good goals are trackable I am creating a page in my planner to keep track of the boxes each week.  I will also track how many bags of trash I gather and toss as a result of cleaning out our stuff.  I don't have a set goal on bags but I am curious to know plus I think it will encourage me to keep it up! Can you imagine....52 boxes of stuff gone?  I am looking forward to it.

Another thing I committed to before the new year was to improve my health.  Last year I really made great strides in my health and weight.  This year I plan to continue and even kick it up a notch.  I am already back on Whole30.  My goal is to make Whole30 more of a lifestyle rather than 30, 45 or 60 days of something different.  I will do this by tracking my food daily - does that sound overwhelming?  Well how bad do I want the success that comes with it?  Pretty bad.  I must be willing to do something different to obtain something I don't currently have.  So I will track daily and either give myself a star for a Whole30 day or not.   I also committed to a number on the scale.  I have gone back and forth on this one.  Do I focus on a number on the scale or a range on the scale??  I have chosen a number...190 or less.  This will require me to lose more weight than I did last year, but all in all losing it last year was fairly easy, with a little more effort and focus this should not be too hard. I will log my weight monthly. Work out a minimum of 3x a week - right now that is crossfit - I am allowing myself to change it up if I choose, like with Zumba or a Spinning Class.  However, this goal does not include walking/wogging/jogging.  That is  a separate goal.  A minimum of 5 miles a week walking/wogging/jogging.  This year I plan to get to the 39 minute arena on my 5K times. 

Create and put into work my new War Room - if you don't know what I am talking about here, I highly recommend that you see the movie.  With the new flooring and older children moving out I now have a spare bedroom.  We moved our youngest to the larger bedroom and made the smallest room our spare bedroom/office.  After seeing the movie I decided it was no longer an office, but a War Room instead!  Right now it is in a bit of a chaotic state but there is not reason I can't get started on some important things that need to take place.  Most importantly  I am going to spend designated focused time with God daily in this room! This is also where I will do my homework and take care of our household stuff.  Since my desk has been a catchall in the past, that stops NOW.  Instead of scattering the bills, important papers and such around the house - they will have a spot on my desk - a spot, not all over the desk.  At a minimum, weekly I will tend to these.  I will use this spot for menu making and grocery list making.  This keeps everything central and clean.  It minimizes losing things.  I am looking forward to this room this year!  Along these same lines I am going to use my planner/calendar better this year.  In the past I was so much more organized using my paper planner but with the advances in technology I have tried to adapt with minimal success.  Back to what works!

Finally, this one I just added today.  There is a blog on blogger called Beaver Tales that is written by Cari Beaver.  She recently put out a Less/More list.  I have printed it and plan to read over it daily to keep these things in my frontal lobe.  I encourage each of you to check it out.  I strongly believe we can all benefit from this list.  

Thank you for spending this time with me today!  I hope it has been as helpful for you as it has been for me!  Over the next few days or weeks I will expand on some of these things for my benefit and hopefully for yours too.

D. J.