You know I think God gives gentle nudges and sometimes He just has to grab us by the neck and shake us silly to get us to listen. Today I am thankful for little nudges. You know how you have somethings in life that you know there is something wrong with, but yet, you have put your time and energy into those somethings so you think you have done your part and would rather not put any more time and effort into it. Sometimes it seems as if it would do no good to put another ounce of anything into it. But yet you know something needs to give. I have one of the somethings this week, and God just ever so quietly and gently nudges me with a word - pray. Once I hear and listen to this word - pray - another nudge - trust Me not what you see. So now I pray and have a different attitude because I choose to trust in God and not what I see on the surface of things. Last night I saw something different in my something - hope perhaps - a confirmation from God that He is at work.
Do you get frustrated when things are out of your control? Even things that can directly affect you? I do. I get to the point where I just want to stop moving forward because I can't control what is going to happen next. This, my friend, not a good thing. So, if here is something we can't control....I bet there are still MANY things that we can control, if we can then we should and we should do so to the best of our ability. Doing so allows us to handle and deal with the uncontrollable that much more effectively. Think about that one for a bit.
I don't get people who choose to be bitter about another person or persons. I really don't. How can you go through life holding a grudge? How exactly does that affect the other person? It really doesn't. Forgive.
Okay, that's my randomness for today. I think God is in the process of unsettling me so that I will consider different approaches in life. It's neat, a little out of my comfort zone, and that's a good things.
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Oh - I must share a wonderful quote I recently heard - "You must want it more than you are afraid of it" My daughters tumbling coach used this with her, it stuck with her and now it sticks with me. It is so applicable in so many areas.
D. J.