Friday, September 25, 2009


Opinions, I think we put to much stock into our own opinions and the opinions of others. When we pray for other people, don't we often pray specifically over what we think (our opinion) might help or might be a solution? When dealing with others, how much does our opinion affect our attitude and our quality of communication. When someone tells us what they think (their opinion) about this or that in our life, should we respond or react to it? I personallly think I put too much stock in my own opinion and in the opinions of others and I think it is wrong. When I pray, for myself or someone else, I should pray Gods wisdom and intervention into that persons life. God knows more than I do and He knows better what to do than I do. When we interact with others, however minutely, we should pray for Gods wisdom and perspective of that person and how we should relate to the person, then act accordingly. When others offer their opinion of me, I should accept their opinion graciously, but seek God for his wisdom in my life. My life is meant to be pleasing to God. Pleasing in my prayers, in my daily activities, in how I view myself and those around me. I want to see things with Gods eyes, but, I can't always see ALL that God sees. Do unto others as you would have them do unto me. If you were to pray for me, I would want you to pray Gods wisdom into my life, Gods solutions, Gods peace and provision. Based on the Golden Rule, that is what I should do for others. When you deal with me, I would want You to deal with me in ways that are pleasing to God - in order to know that you would have had to seek out God for that information. I would want you to deal with me with Godly wisdom. So, as I deal with others, again based on the Golden Rule, I should always point others to God, and express what I know is Godly truth to them. Ponder that one for a while! Lots of love to all!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Really - be quiet, don't complain, don't argue?

Wow! Am I getting some difficult ones! In my journaling / blogging, I find I can ponder and talk with God and hear clearer and understand better. My plan for cleaning and organizing is coming together. In the midst of this difficult task, I am overwhelmed with a urgent need to calm down! To stay calm through out each day. To be quiet ( for those who know me you know this is way outside my comfort zone) to not complain and to not argue. But, rather, to PONDER. To listen to what is being said around you. To think before you speak...or not speak. What an interesting combination of things God is bringing me through right now and what an interesting way to bring me through it. My curiosity is peaking, where is God taking me? The only way to find out is to head his proddings. I am excited!

Monday, September 21, 2009

No, I didn't forget about my blog.

Wow! I have been hit by LIFE since I started this blog. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence. I do believe I have good news to share and that doesn't make Satan very happy. But, my God is bigger that whatever Satan can throw at us! Praise God!

So, life has just erupted. So much to do, so many unplanned events, too little time to stop and think. No matter what though, we are called to be in control of our lives. I find it amazing in the midst of a rather chaotic season for me that God is telling me "Clean out and Organize". I am certain of His message, but uncertain of how to even approach it right now. I can see the benefit of doing it and even see that it is going to be the beginning of a new season, but am paralyzed by the "how". And even among my erupting life and God's message, I wonder about a little dream I have put on the back burner, what about it? I know it's not to be a focus for me right now, but it pained me to think I might have to let that dream die. God is so so Good! A friend called me with words of encouragement from my Heavenly Father - It is not dead, just dormant - Ahhh I needed to hear that so much. My friend has no idea what I have been thinking about, so I know, they are words from God. It has enabled me to free up a little spot in my mind to ponder this "Clean out and Organize" - Notice, it does not say Clean "UP"...God is calling me to unclutter. I am not overly cluttered, but I am cluttered to the point of discomfort. I am normally a very organized and on top of things person. The past several years have seemed to have hit me all at once, some will understand this and some won't, but, today - I am far from as clean, uncluttered and organized as I would like to be and need to be. This is one of my gifts and I have allowed it to "rust" basically. Not good. So, my challenge is to move beyond pondering to planning then to implementing the plan and then to sticking to the plan through lifes little obstacles. This will not be an overnight project. This will easily be a 12 month project. I will need perserverance! But I am so excited to enter a new season, as this one that I am in has been very confusing for me.

I welcome your reponses! Please let me know if God is talking to you and what He is saying!